06 October 2008

Party ideas to earn FREE Toys!

There are many different types of parties that you can hold to help you earn free and half price toys! Here are a few example Ideas:

Demonstration Party
Open House
Catalog Party
Shower Party
Fundraiser Gathering

For the DEMONSTRATION party you invite all of your guests to arrive at the same time and we introduce them to Discovery Toys® with a fun toy demonstration, then there is time for hands on experience and social interaction, generally followed with refreshments. This party is most successful because the guests learn about what makes these toys have such a great value and why they are different than other toys on the market. Plan on between 1-2 hours for this party. While we think this approach is the most effective, other options are available to meet your needs and schedule.

For the OPEN HOUSE party we will set up several toys that you can demonstrate to friends and family members as they come at any time of your choosing for up to three days. We can arrange some time to be there for questions from the guests, but not necessarily for demonstrations purposes. At a prearranged time we will pick up the toys and orders that you have obtained. This party is great as you can invite the whole family to a hands on experience!

The CATALOG PARTY is when we provide you with two or three catalogs to simply show them to your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc. and if they are interested in any of the products you can fill the order for them. This type of party is great if you don’t want to host a party in your home, or if you have recently done another party for a different company, when your co-workers make up the majority of your guest list anyway, or if you just don’t want pressure your friends into coming to a sales party.

The SHOWER PARTY would be a quick and fantastic way to honor an expectant mother or bride to be! Rather than having the guests spend time shopping to bring gifts, they come to congratulate the guest of honor and they buy gifts while at the party. The guests may also purchase any toys they would like to for their own children for birthdays, Christmas presents, etc. The guest of honor could also create a wish list before the party begins and the guests can pick items from that list. It helps take all the guesswork out of what to get.

The FUNDRAISER GATHERING. Do you have an organization with special needs? Are you trying to raise funds for a specific program? Consult with us and maybe we can help with a donation and as a side benefit you could add some free toys to your organization. This is especially good idea for events including children with Autism as most Discovery Toys® have some kind of Autism Support. Contact us to learn more.

These are a few party ideas to get your thinking cap going. You might even have a few of your own. We are pretty flexible and are willing to work with what you think would be best for your situation. Once we have a set party date, we will assist you with answering any questions or concerns you may have and to explain the additional things we have found work to ensure that your party is a success. Working together is a benefit and win-win program for all of us!

In our next post we will introduce you to another great product.

Play a little - Place an order
Play a lot - Host a party
Play with everything - Become a Consultant
Ask us for details!

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